Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your Homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Monday, April 22nd: Full council student meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.
Wednesday, April 24th: Full council student meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.
Wednesday, April 24th: Zachary Pax and Zach Kauten, Meet with Mrs. Fath for a picture with your 1st place FBLA trophies.
Thursday, April 25th: All girls interested in going out for tennis in the fall, meet in Mrs. Robaidek’s room.
Monday, April 29th: Meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room for any freshman, sophomore or junior interested in running for student council.
General Announcements:
Baseball: Today’s game in Webster has been cancelled due to weather conditions and early practice will be in the gym.
Post Prom Forms: Please get any completed permission slips you may have to the office ASAP.
Prom Guest Passes: If you are bringing a guest to prom, please be sure to pick up your guest pass from the office ASAP. Completed forms must be faxed back by your guest’s school by TODAY.
Flip Schedule Days: Tuesday and Wednesday due to state testing. Students will report to 8th hour at 8:05 and the schedule will continue to go backwards for the rest of the day.
Senior Day: Friday, April 26th at C-FC High school. Buses will be leaving at 8:05 so we can get there for cinnamon rolls before the day begins! Make arrangements with your work release schedule (talk to Mr. Bauer if you need help with that) and don't sleep in if you have miscellaneous no credit 1st hour.
Are you interested in joining the High School Student Council? If so, please see Mrs. Berger by April 26th to find out how to join!
Seniors: Please check your school email for the senior activity award form. The form is due to Renee in the district office by April 26th.
NHS Highway Clean Up: Saturday, May 11th at 8:00 am.
Lifeguards Needed: Are you looking for a flexible, fun job this summer? Our pool is hiring lifeguards again! You would be involved in anything from swimming lessons to monitoring the pool to everything in between! All you need is a letter of interest stating you are interested in being a lifeguard. You can get your lifeguard certification through either the YMCA or the Parks & Rec Department. Stop in and see Mrs. Bagstad if you have any questions or want to turn your letter of interest in!
Stop in the office for a $40.00 off Tux Rental coupon at Mel’s Clothing and Recreation.
Gaming Club: Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00 pm in Ms. Vida’s room.