
Buffalo Time Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Tuesday, September 24th: FBLA meeting in Mr. Poeschel’s room.

Wednesday, September 25th: Student Council meeting in Mrs. Hass’ room.

Thursday, September 26th: Jostens meeting in the IMC. Seniors will meet at 11:25 and Sophomores will meet at 11:40.

General Announcements:

All students MUST fill out the Google Form regarding Homecoming that Mrs. Hass emailed out yesterday.

FCCLA Meeting: TODAY, during lunch, in Mrs. Bauer’s room.

VEX Robotics: The first VEX practice will be held TODAY in Mr. Lehman's room. The practice will run from 2:45-4:05. Students should only attend during MSR/WIN after they have checked in with their MSR/WIN teacher and have taken care of all needed tasks.

FUTP60 Meeting: Meeting Wednesday, during WIN, in the Health Room for anyone interested in joining. Everyone is welcome to join or come to the meeting to find out more information about FUTP60.

Seniors: Please fill out the Google Form that was emailed to you by Ms. Rodenberg regarding class flower, quote, etc. The form is due Wednesday.

Seniors: Please fill out the Google Form that was emailed to you regarding how you would like your name to appear on your diploma. The form is due Friday.

HS Art Club: The field trip is Friday. Watch the weather and dress accordingly and don't forget money for food and souvenirs. Comfortable walking shoes are a good idea.

Juniors & Seniors: If you would like to take a post-secondary class in the spring but have not completed the necessary paperwork, you must meet with Mr. Hass ASAP. The paperwork needs to be completed by the end of the day Monday.

10th and 11th graders: If you'd like to take the practice SAT (PSAT) this fall, you must sign up with Mrs. Lehman by Wednesday, October 2nd. Please see Mrs. Lehman with questions.

Homecoming Guest Passes: The Homecoming Dance is Saturday, October 12th. Guests must either be in high school or last year graduates and they must be cleared to attend. Please pick up your guest clearance forms in the office. Clearance forms must be received back by Monday, October 7th.

Flu Shot Clinic: Buffalo County will be hosting a school-wide student flu shot clinic on Thursday, October 17th, 1:00pm-5:00pm, in the Community Room (located right inside door #5/Jackson Street). Parents are not required to be present at the time of vaccination. This clinic is only for children aged 18 or younger. If your child refuses the vaccine that day, the vaccine will not be administered. A consent form needs to be completed by a parent/guardian in order to receive the flu shot. Please return the consent form to Sue Poeschel, School Nurse, by October 9th or bring the consent form with you on October 17th. Consent forms can be found on our school website or you can get them from the MS/HS office or Sue Poeschel.