
Buffalo Time Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Friday, December 13th: All Juniors need to report to Mrs. Flaherty's room to plan for the Holiday Bake Sale Fundraiser. Please bring your phones for sign up purposes!

Wednesday, December 18th: Student Council meeting in Mrs. Hass’ room.

Thursday, December 19th: Spanish Club meeting in Mrs. Rykal’s room.

Friday, December 20th: Academic pep assembly and reverse raffle in the large gym.

General Announcements:

FUTP60 Parfaits: Strawberry parfaits will be sold for $2.00 TODAY during WIN. There will be an open gym for Sophomores and Seniors. Students must report to WIN before going to the lobby.

Student Council Dress Up Days Next Week: Monday: Christmas PJ Day, Tuesday: “Toasty Tuesday”-wear flannels & winter gear (hats, ski goggles, etc), Wednesday: “Winter Whiteout Wednesday”-wear all white, Thursday: “Totally Tacky Thursday”-wear ugly sweaters & Christmas socks, Friday: “Festive Friday”-go all out for Christmas (clothes, hats, lights, bells, etc)

Reverse Raffle: Student Council will be having a reverse raffle fundraiser on Friday, December 20th. Tickets will be sold Monday-Thursday in the Buffalo Lobby during Buffalo Time… Bring cash!

Seniors: FAFSA night is at 5:30pm Monday in the school cafeteria. Bring your parents and learn about the FAFSA process!

Spanish Club Members: Check your email and sign up to bring something to the fiesta on Thursday.

Science Club Field Trip Participants: Permission slips and money are due to Mrs. Jardine NO LATER than Thursday.

FUTP60 Meetings: There will be no FUTP60 next week.

Youth Apprenticeship Opportunity: Pepin County is looking for a student interested in a Youth Apprenticeship with the Pepin County Health Department. Talk to Mr. Gray if you are interested.