Buffalo Time Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Monday, February 10th: Softball meeting in the Health room.
Tuesday, February 11th: History Club field trip attendees meeting in Mrs. Flaherty’s room.
Wednesday, February 12th: Student Council meeting in Mrs. Hass’ room.
Thursday, February 13th: Art Club meeting in the IMC.
General Announcements:
Mr. Mondovi: Those running for Mr. Mondovi should check for an email from Kyli Zahara and respond as soon as possible.
1st Trimester Business Fundamental Students: Junior Achievement is hosting a Titan Business Challenge on March 6th. Teams consist of 2-3 students and we can take as many teams as we’d like. Winners receive $1000 scholarships. If you are interested in competing in this challenge, please let Mr. Poeschel know by TODAY.
History Club Field Trip: All students signed up to attend the History Club Field Trip in April need to pay Mrs. Flaherty $25 by TODAY!
Talent Show & Lip Sync Battle: A Google form has been emailed to everyone regarding Talent Show & Lip Sync Battle signups. If you are interested in signing up, please complete the form by TODAY.
FUTP60 Parfaits: Strawberry parfaits will be sold for $2.00 TODAY during WIN. There will be an open gym for Sophomores and Seniors. Students must report to WIN before going to the lobby.
Winter Carnival: The Winter Carnival dance is Saturday, February 15th, 7:00-10:00 pm. The dance is formal and the cost is $5.00 at the door. Guests must be either in high school or a 2024 graduate and must be cleared to attend. Guest clearance forms can be picked up in the office and are due back Monday.
Winter Carnival Dress Up Days: Monday-Pajama Day, Tuesday-Twin Day, Wednesday-Jersey Day, Thursday-Hat Day, Friday-Valentine’s Colors (pink/purple/red).
FUTP60 meetings: Wednesdays, during WIN.