Buffalo Time Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Thursday, February 13th: Youth Risk Behavior Survey for all students in Buffalo Time classrooms.
Thursday, February 13th: Senior handprints, meet outside Mrs. Flaherty’s room after taking the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Make-up times are Friday at 10:20 and at 1:45.
Tuesday, February 18th: Track & Field informational signup meeting in Mr. Ebner’s room.
Wednesday, February 19th: Student Council meeting in Mrs. Hass’ room.
Thursday, February 20th: Spanish Club meeting in Mrs. Rykal’s room.
General Announcements:
Winter Carnival Dress Up Days: Friday-Valentine’s Colors (pink/purple/red).
Winter Carnival: The Winter Carnival dance is Saturday, 7:00-10:00 pm. The dance is formal and the cost is $5.00 at the door.
Mondovi Trap Team: There will be an informational meeting Monday, at 4:30 pm, in the IMC for those interested in joining the Trap Team. Please pick up an information sheet in the office which details dates, deadlines and signing up. Questions can be directed to Rich Bauer at 608-797-8209 or rabauer1228@gmail.com.
FUTP60 meetings: Wednesdays, during WIN.