Buffalo Time Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Thursday, February 20th: Spanish Club meeting in Mrs. Rykal’s room.
Thursday, February 20th: Track & Field informational signup meeting in Mr. Ebner’s room.
Tuesday, February 25th: Baseball signup meeting in the Multi lobby.
Wednesday, February 26th: Student Council meeting in Mrs. Hass’ room.
Thursday, February 27th: Art Club meeting in the IMC.
General Announcements:
FFA Tubing Trip: Make sure your permission slip, waiver and money is turned in to Mrs. Graetz by Buffalo Time TODAY. If you don’t turn in your forms, you will not be able to attend. Check into your WIN and then meet with your tubing gear in the Buffalo Lobby.
Signing Day: Any senior who plans to participate in college athletics next year and who would like to participate in the district’s Annual Signing Day on April 30th needs to talk to Mr. Hass ASAP.
FFA Dress Up Days: Friday: FFA apparel & Malt Day (bring $5.00)
Malt Day: Malt day is Friday. Make sure to bring your $5.00!
There are still Flat FFA Officers out hiding and waiting to be found! Make sure to turn them in to Mrs. Graetz by Buffalo Time on Friday to count.
FUTP60 Parfaits: Strawberry parfaits will be sold for $2.00 Friday during WIN. There will be an open gym for Freshmen and Juniors. Students must report to WIN before going to the lobby.
Mondovi Trap Team: There will be an informational meeting Tuesday, at 4:30 pm, in the IMC for those interested in joining the Trap Team. Please pick up an information sheet in the office which details dates, deadlines and signing up. Questions can be directed to Rich Bauer at 608-797-8209 or rabauer1228@gmail.com.
FUTP60 meetings: Wednesdays, during WIN.
Sophomores & Juniors: Any sophomore or junior who is interested in taking Start College Now classes through CVTC or Early College Credit through a UW college must talk to Mr. Hass by Thursday, February 27th.
Seniors: The annual Buffalo County Senior Day is March 5th at C-FC High School. We will hear from Sheriff Mike Osmond, Speaker Mike McGowan and Mondovi Alum, Shane Urness. Students will depart from the Buffalo Lobby at 8:00 am and return at 2:45 pm. A breakfast snack and lunch will be provided. See Mr. McGuire with questions.