Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your Homeroom before reporting to meetings:
- Wednesday, March 20th: Meeting in Mrs. Fath’s room for Reality Check Ambassadors (Joselyn F, Abbye U, Anna T, Dylan J, Emilia R, Destiny A, Olivia B, Abbey E, Karley E).
General Announcements:
Attention students who are in the gym in the mornings: Reality Check is this tomorrow in the gym and lobby areas. Please enter the building through Door #5 only and go to the cafeteria (by the TV) for tomorrow only!
Attention Student Drivers: Parking will be limited tomorrow as over 100 volunteers will be coming to school to help with the Reality Check event. Please plan accordingly.
Attention Band/Choir Students: Please use the back hallway tomorrow when going to the band or choir room. The gym lobbies and district office hallway will be very busy due to Reality Check.
Attention Personal Finance/Online Students: Reality Check is tomorrow! Check your email for some important reminders from Mrs. Fath. 2nd Semester students will start right away after 1st hour attendance. 1st Semester & online students will start at 11:15, but will go to lunch first 10:45. After you complete Reality Check, go back to class. See Mrs. Fath if you have any questions.
ATTENTION GOLFERS: Last call to sign up for golf! Sign up on the bulletin board outside of the band room doors. Those that sign up should plan to attend an important golf meeting tomorrow at 3:45 pm in the band room if they did not attend the meeting on March 14th.
Seniors: Please check your school email for the senior activity award form. The form is due to Renee in the district office by April 26th.
Spring Breakthrough Basketball Camp: April 6th & 7th for students in grades 4-9. Please pick up a form in the office for more information. Contact Breakthrough Basketball or Mrs. Brion with questions.
Lifeguards Needed: Are you looking for a flexible, fun job this summer? Our pool is hiring lifeguards again! You would be involved in anything from swimming lessons to monitoring the pool to everything in between! All you need is a letter of interest stating you are interested in being a lifeguard. You can get your lifeguard certification through either the YMCA or the Parks & Rec Department. Stop in and see Mrs. Bagstad if you have any questions or want to turn your letter of interest in!
Gaming Club: Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00 pm in Ms. Vida’s room.