
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

No meetings scheduled at this time.

General Announcements:

Congratulations to the 7th grade boy’s basketball team.  They took 1st out of 18 teams at the 7th grade GNBL boys’ state tournament!

Congratulations to the following youth wrestlers that qualified for the Wisconsin Youth State Wrestling tournament in Madison over spring break: Kamden Berger, Ian Berger,Tyson Greiner, Kolton Kansier, Nathan Khotsombath, Avery Marten, Layla Risler, Raegan Risler, Carter Schoonover, Nicholas Wright, Carter Zahara, Rylee Zahara. At the State Tournament in Madison last weekend, Kamden Berger and Rylee Zahara both finished in 6th place and came home with a trophy. Layla Risler earned 1st place and her second consecutive State Championship!

Middle School Talent Show: The Middle School Student Council is hosting a talent show on April 6th!  Sign up to compete against Mondovi’s most talented middle schoolers.  Prizes will be awarded to 1st($100), 2nd($50), and 3rd ($25) places.  Forms must be turned in by TODAY.  Talk to a student council representative to learn more!

MCYS Soccer: Registration forms can be picked up in the MS/HS office for students interested in playing soccer this summer.  Forms and questions should be directed to Matthew Ebben (contact information is on the registration form).  Late registration ends April 3rd.   

State FFA Essay Contest: Any 8th grade FFA member interested in entering the State FFA essay contest should see Ms. White for details by April 5th.