MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Friday, March 31st: Meeting in the Multi Lobby for 8th graders to sign up for next year’s high school volleyball. Summer league and tournament info will be provided at that time as well.
Monday, April 3rd: Battle of the Books meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.
General Announcements:
MCYS Soccer: Registration forms can be picked up in the MS/HS office for students interested in playing soccer this summer. Forms and questions should be directed to Matthew Ebben (contact information is on the registration form). Late registration ends Monday.
Spring Testing: Spring testing will take place on Wednesday for all 6th through 10th grade students.
State FFA Essay Contest: Any 8th grade FFA member interested in entering the State FFA essay contest should see Ms. White for details by Wednesday.
FFA Bowling: The MS FFA is going bowling on Friday, April 14th. If you are an FFA member who is interested, please pick up a permission form from Ms.White’s room. Only 30 students can go, so make sure you grab one!