General Announcements:
Any 8th graders interested in joining the High School Student Council next year? If so, please see Mrs. Berger by Friday to find out how to join!
8th Graders: Please remember to turn in your Career Venture field trip permission form by Monday to Mr. McGuire or Mr. Bielmeier!
Washington DC Trip: Attention 6th and 7th graders interested in touring our nation's capital: There will be an informational meeting for you and your parents Tuesday at 5:00 in the MS/HS library. If you are interested but not able to attend, please see Mrs. Rzepiejewski for information. Thanks!
There were 3 new random locker checks done at each grade level. Out of the 9 checked, 5 were found to be neat, clean and organized-just like expected. There were 10 locker rechecks done this week. The WINNERS this week can stop by Ms. Erickson’s office to get your 3 tickets. Great job and way to be RESPONSIBLE! 6th grade: Amber Lund, 7th grade: Desirae Fedie & Dannica Zingshiem, 8th grade: Lindy Bauer & Max Marten.