General Announcements:
MS Student Council Meeting: TODAY during lunch in Mr. Richards’ room.
Any 8th graders interested in joining the High School Student Council next year? If so, please see Mrs. Berger by TODAY to find out how to join!
8th Graders: Please remember to turn in your Career Venture field trip permission form by Monday to Mr. McGuire or Mr. Bielmeier!
Missoula Theatre: The following students need to report to the IMC after homeroom attendance on Monday regarding the Missoula Theater audition: Seth Bauer, Lilac Krett, Tahirah Crawford, Abby Paulson, Alison George, Kaylen Rud & Hazal Correia.
Washington DC Trip: Attention 6th and 7th graders interested in touring our nation's capital: There will be an informational meeting for you and your parents Tuesday at 5:00 in the MS/HS library. If you are interested but not able to attend, please see Mrs. Rzepiejewski for information. Thanks!
HS Volleyball: There will be a meeting to receive summer information on Wednesday during lunch for all 8th grade girls planning to play volleyball in the fall. Meet in the team locker room.
FUTP60 Meeting: Thursday during lunch in the health room. Bring your field trip permission slips.
MS Volleyball: Any 6th and 7th graders planning to play volleyball next fall should sign up during PE classes.
Summer School: Online registration is open for students currently in grades 3-8! Log on to the school district’s homepage and click on the “Campus Portal Link” which is found under “Explore.” Registration will close at the end of the day on Friday, May 3rd.
There were 3 new random locker checks done at each grade level. Out of the 9 checked, 5 were found to be neat, clean and organized-just like expected. There were 10 locker rechecks done this week. The WINNERS this week can stop by Ms. Erickson’s office to get your 3 tickets. Great job and way to be RESPONSIBLE! 6th grade: Amber Lund, 7th grade: Desirae Fedie & Dannica Zingshiem, 8th grade: Lindy Bauer & Max Marten.