
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Thursday, April 6th: Middle School Golf meeting in the Multi Lobby.

Monday, April 17th: Battle of the Books meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.

General Announcements:

Trap Team Apparel: If you are interested in ordering Mondovi Trap Team apparel, please stop in the MS/HS office for an order form or use the following link: https://mondovitrapteam.itemorder.com/.  All orders are due by Sunday at midnight.

FFA Bowling: The MS FFA is going bowling on Friday, April 14th.  If you are an FFA member who is interested, please pick up a permission form from Ms.White’s room.  Only 30 students can go, so make sure you grab one!

Tractor Safety: Registration is now open.  For more information regarding registration, contact Ms. White.