General Announcements:
Washington DC Trip: Attention 6th and 7th graders interested in touring our nation's capital: There will be an informational meeting for you and your parents TONIGHT at 5:00 in the MS/HS library. If you are interested but not able to attend, please see Mrs. Rzepiejewski for information. Thanks!
HS Volleyball: There will be a meeting to receive summer information Wednesday during lunch for all 8th grade girls planning to play volleyball in the fall. Meet in the team locker room.
FUTP60 Meeting: Thursday during lunch in the health room. Bring your field trip permission slips.
MS Volleyball: Any 6th and 7th graders planning to play volleyball next fall should sign up during PE classes.
Summer School: Online registration is open for students currently in grades 3-8! Log on to the school district’s homepage and click on the “Campus Portal Link” which is found under “Explore.” Registration will close at the end of the day on Friday.