MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Monday, May 1st: Battle of the Books meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.
General Announcements:
8th Graders: Zoo permission forms and your $8.00 are due TODAY. The following students still need to turn them in: Ayden Caturia, Ayden Flaherty, Abby Gore, Tiana Johnson, Nathan Khotsombath, Jon Klingel, David Nyre, Gerardo Lucio-Herrera, AJ Loscheider, Devin Melsness, Tyler Wertz, Zac McDonough and Zane McDonough
FFA Members: You must turn in your unsold FFA Breakfast tickets or money by TODAY at 3:00pm or you will be charged for those unsold tickets!
8th Graders: Please check your email for an important Google form. Please fill it out by Monday.
Career Venture Field Trip: All 8th graders will be attending Career Venture on Thursday at the EC Indoor Sports Center to learn about and explore a variety of career options. Please report to 1st hour for attendance and, after the pledge, you will be dismissed to the Buffalo Lobby. You will be returning for 3rd period.