
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Wednesday, May 3rd: Volleyball meeting in the Multi Lobby for 8th graders going out for high school volleyball next year.  

Monday, May 15th: Battle of the Books meeting in Mrs. Berger’s room.

Monday, May 15th: Girls’ basketball meeting in the IMC for 8th grade girls planning to play high school basketball next year.

General Announcements:

Zoo Trip: The following 8th graders need to turn in their zoo form & money to Mrs. Berger ASAP: Nathan Khotsombath, AJ Loscheider, David Nyre, Gerardo Lucio-Herrera and Colton Larson.

Career Venture Field Trip: All 8th graders will be attending Career Venture tomorrow at the EC Indoor Sports Center to learn about and explore a variety of career options.  Please report to 1st hour for attendance and, after the pledge, you will be dismissed to the Buffalo Lobby.  You will be returning for the 3rd period.