
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Wednesday, September 6th: Any student interested in joining Fuel Up To Play 60 or who is interested in learning more about the club should report to the HS gym after Homeroom attendance.

General Announcements:

Fall Play: If you are interested in trying out for the Fall Play, pick up an audition form by the choir room.  Auditions will be  TODAY after school in the choir room.

MS Boys’ Basketball Registration: Registration forms have been emailed to all 6th-8th grade boys and their parents/guardians regarding playing youth boys’ basketball.  The deadline for registration is Friday.  Paper copies are available in the office if needed.

6th Grade Boys’ Basketball Camp: 6th grade boys and parents/guardians were emailed a form for boys’ basketball camp.  The deadline for registration is Friday.  Paper copies are available in the office if needed. 

MS/HS Picture Day: Wednesday, September 13th, in the Buffalo Lobby.  Pictures can be ordered online at www.strawbridge.net prior to picture day using code FM414045.  Forms have been handed out to students with their Chromebooks and additional forms will be available in the office if needed. 

Summer Reading:  Please bring your summer reading sheets to Mrs. Sandberg (room 229) before September 18th.