
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

No meetings scheduled at this time.

General Announcements:

MS/HS Picture Day: Tomorrow in the Buffalo Lobby.  Pictures can be ordered online at www.strawbridge.net prior to picture day using code FM414045.  Additional order forms are available in the office and forms/money should be given directly to the photographers on picture day.  Students will be called down via loudspeaker for pictures. 

FFA Open House: Don't forget the 2nd Annual FFA Open House Moo-Au on Wednesday starting at 4:00!  Come to get some food, a couple throws at the dunk tank and the cornhole tournament!  There will also be rootbeer floats and gravity box basketball!  The tournament begins 6:00-6:15!

Play Meeting: Thursday after school.  If you were cast in the show but you or a parent are not able to make it to that meeting, please email Mr. Klein.

Summer Reading:  Please bring your summer reading sheets to Mrs. Sandberg (room 229) before Monday.

E-Sports: If you are interested in E-Sports, check your email for a message from Mr. Gray.  Look for a link in Mr. Gray's message and fill out a brief survey that will help us determine the amount of interest.