
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

* Weekly on Wednesdays: FUTP60 meeting in the Large Gym. 

General Announcements:

Play Meeting: TODAY after school.  If you were cast in the show but you or a parent are not able to make it to the meeting, please email Mr. Klein.

Summer Reading:  Please bring your summer reading sheets to Mrs. Sandberg (room 229) before Monday.

Student Council: Hey Students!  Are you looking for leadership opportunities?  Would you like to take part in organizing events like school dances, dodgeball tournaments, and talent shows for your classmates?  Apply to join the Middle School Student Council today!  Pick up a form in Mr. Schauer's room to learn more. Applications are due Monday.  Voting will take place on Tuesday.  Four Students will be selected from each grade and announced later that week.

MS Forensics: MS Forensics needs you!  Are you interested in becoming a better speaker or just looking for an excuse to hangout with your friends?  Join Forensics and grow yourself while having fun!  Scan the QR code from the slides or click on this link (https://forms.gle/c1yhLgRWM5Ao63KZ6) to show your interest!  Sign up by Friday, September 22nd.  Email Mrs. Miles with any questions!