MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
* Weekly on Wednesdays: FUTP60 meeting in the Large Gym.
Thursday, September 28th: Informative Forensics meeting in Mrs. Miles’ room.
General Announcements:
MS Forensics: MS Forensics needs you! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO FILL OUT THE INTEREST FORM. Scan the QR code from the slides or click on this link ( to show your interest! Our first informative meeting will be during Homeroom on Sept 28 in Mrs. Miles' room. Email Mrs. Miles with any questions!
Flu Shot Clinic: The Buffalo County Public Health flu clinic is Thursday, October 5th, from 1:00pm-5:00pm in the Community Room located by the District Office. Flu vaccines will be offered to children in school who are in 4K-12th grades. Parents of children in grades 4-12 are not required to be present at the time of vaccination. This clinic is only for children aged 18 or younger. If your child refuses the vaccine on the day of the clinic, the vaccine will not be administered. If you wish for your child to receive the seasonal flu vaccine, you will need to complete the consent form and return it to the office or school nurse by Wednesday, October 4th, or have it with you on the day of vaccination. Your child will not be vaccinated without your consent. A vaccine information statement is available at
MS/HS Picture Retake Day: Thursday morning, October 26th, in the Buffalo Lobby. Students having pictures taken for the first time can order them online at beginning two weeks prior to retake day (use code FM414046). If having retakes done, students should give their original picture package to the photographers that day.