MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Thursday, November 30th: Forensics meeting in Mrs. Miles’ room.
* Weekly on Wednesdays: FUTP60 meeting in the Large Gym.
General Announcements:
Speed School: Mondays & Thursdays, 3:25-3:55pm, in the Multi Lobby. Speed School is an acceleration, power and top speed based training opportunity for all athletes not in a winter sport. See Coach McGuire with any questions.
MS Hat Day: Student Council is hosting $1.00 Hat Day tomorrow! Pay $1.00 at the Student Council table in Mrs. Berger’s room (7:45-8:00am) to receive a stamp and wear your hat to class for the day. Students without a stamp will not be permitted to wear hats that day. Donations will be used to build a charity fund that will be used to support people in our community. Hats must be school appropriate and not disruptive to the learning of others (no blinking lights, etc).
Fall Play: The Fall Play is Friday (7:00pm) & Saturday (2:00pm)! Come see this hilarious take on classic fairy tales. Tickets are available for purchase in advance or at the door. Adults are $5, Students and Seniors are $3, and Veterans are free. Please contact Mr. Klein to purchase tickets.