
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

* Weekly on Wednesdays: FUTP60 meeting in the Large Gym.

General Announcements:

If you are missing any gloves or shoes from the field trip, see Mrs. Berger.  She has a big collection of items left behind!

Attention all MS & HS Students: The Junior Class will be offering baked goods for sale during MSR all this week!  Please come down to the Buffalo Lobby and support the Junior Class as they plan for Prom.

MS Yearbook Meeting: TODAY, during lunch in Ms. Anstett’s room.

Speed School: Mondays & Thursdays, 3:25-3:55pm, in the Multi Lobby.  Speed School is an acceleration, power and top speed based training opportunity for all athletes not in a winter sport.  See Coach McGuire with any questions.

Dollar Hat Day: The Student Council will be hosting Dollar Hat day every Friday through the end of the trimester.  To wear a hat, please pay $1.00 at the student council table in Mrs. Berger’s room (7:45-8:00am) and receive a stamp.  Students without a stamp will not be able to wear a hat that day.  Donations will be used to build a charity fund to support people in our community.  Hats must be school appropriate and not disruptive to the learning of others (no blinking lights, etc.).