
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

* Weekly on Wednesdays: FUTP60 meeting in the Large Gym.

General Announcements:

Congratulations to the following Middle School wrestlers for qualifying for the Wisconsin Wrestling Federation Youth State Tournament last weekend in Madison: Boys: David Wright (2x), Tyson Greiner (2x), Brody Brantner & Bill Jardine, Girls: Raegan Risler (3x), Avery Marten (2x), Alayna Zahara, Farrah Miller & Layla Risler (4x). Layla Risler finished in 2nd place. Congrats to all of the wrestlers on a great season!

First Responders Explorers Program: Sign-up is now open for the Pepin County First Responder Explorers Program. This program welcomes all students 6th-12th grade with an interest in a rewarding career as a first responder. This course will be held two Sundays in April. One day with Durand Fire/Durand EMS and one day with the Durand Police Department & Pepin County Sheriff's Office. Sign up during the open house on Wednesday, April 3rd (5:00-6:00 pm) at the Durand City Hall or online at https://www.durandwipolice.com/law-enforcement-explorers.