
General Announcements:

8th Grade Quiz Bowl Meeting: Team members should report to the IMC Thursday for Round 2 practice after homeroom attendance.

Butter Braids: 7th and 8th graders who sold Butter Braids for the Washington, DC 2020 Tour need to turn in order forms and payments to Mrs. Rzepiejewski by the end of the day Friday.

Lost and Found: Please check the lost and found by the IMC for your missing items.  Unclaimed items will be donated Friday.

Picture Retakes: Picture retakes have been rescheduled to Friday, November 8th.  You will need to bring your original pictures with you when having your pictures retaken.  If you are having your pictures taken for the first time, please use picture day ID EVTT8M4QT.  Order online at Lifetouch.com or order forms will be available in the office.    

Attention basketball players of all ages:  Would you like to save some big money on your basketball shoes this year?  Coach Kaufman has created an online store through Eastbay to offer great savings on a wide variety of shoes!  Please see Mr. Kaufman's bulletin board for the specifics or to get the link.

Speed School: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:40-4:20.  Open weight room is Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:40-4:30.