
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Thursday, April 11th: 6th grade Kids’ College participants, please report to Mrs. Berger’s room.

* Weekly on Wednesdays: FUTP60 meeting in the Large Gym.

Thursday, April 18th: Quiz Bowl meeting in the Health room.

General Announcements:

Congratulations to Skylar Hjort! He was named champion of the Mississippi Valley Gifted and Talented Network Spelling Bee which was held March 19th at the Westby School District!! Skylar hoisted the first place trophy after a grueling 22 rounds of spelling words like propitious and meitnerium correctly!! Way to go Skylar!!

FFA Members: FFA Officer applications are due Friday by 3:05. Also, if you are filling out a proficiency application, please turn it in TODAY (due to yesterday’s testing).

Middle School Dance: The MS Student Council will be hosting a 80s/90s themed dance party on Thursday, April 25th after school from 3:30 to 6:00. There will be dancing, games, and more. Admission is $2 and concessions will be open for students who would like to get something to eat. Students are not required to dress up but are welcome to if they would like to wear clothes or a costume inspired by the theme. All costumes must be school-appropriate. Hope to see you there!