
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Monday, May 6th: Volleyball meeting in the Multi Lobby for all 8th grade girls planning to play volleyball in the fall.

* Weekly on Wednesdays: FUTP60 meeting in the large gym.

General Announcements:

MS FUTP60 Members: If you are going on the field trip to Action City, your form and money are due to Mrs. Brenner by Tuesday.

Washington, DC Travelers: The Wreath Laying Ceremony writing is due to Mrs. Rzepiejewski by this Friday.

2024-2025 HS Student Council Applications: 8th Graders, next year is just around the corner! Student Council is looking for fresh ideas, people who have a desire to serve and lead, and people who want to make a difference. Are you interested in joining the High School Student Council next school year? We’d love to see you apply! See the email from Mrs. Hass regarding information and the application process. Applications are due Friday for officer positions.

Equestrian Team: There will be an informational Equestrian Team meeting Wednesday, May 15th, at 6:30pm, in the IMC. Any students, grades 6-12, who are interested in joining the Equestrian Team or in learning more about it, should attend. All students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please email Emma Sandberg at emmasandberg23@gmail.com with any questions.

HS Tennis: Any 8th grade girl that is interested in playing HS tennis in the fall should email Ms. Rodenberg (arodenberg@mondovi.k12.wi.us) with your name and a cell phone number. No experience needed!

HS Girls’ Golf Team: 8th grade girls, the HS Girls’ Golf Team sign-up is up outside of the band room. No experience is necessary to join. Practices begin in August. Please see Coach Walk with any questions.