MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Thursday, May 16th: Informal meeting in the IMC with Caitlyn for any middle schooler interested in playing tennis this summer.
* Weekly on Wednesdays: FUTP60 meeting in the large gym.
General Announcements:
8th Graders: Your student council officers for next year are: President: Faith Conrad, Vice President: Charlotte Hotujec, Treasurer: Ryan Shafer. There is only one candidate for class representative and two more are needed. If you are interested in applying, please see the email from Mrs. Hass or stop in and see her.
MS Football: Meeting in Coach Loscheider’s room Wednesday, during MSR, for any current 6th or 7th graders interested in playing football next year.
History Display: There is a 1960’s timeline of noteworthy events that happened in Mondovi on display in the IMC through this week. Please check it out.
HS Tennis: Any 8th grade girl that is interested in playing HS tennis in the fall should email Ms. Rodenberg ( with your name and a cell phone number. No experience needed!
HS Girls’ Golf Team: 8th grade girls, the HS Girls’ Golf Team sign-up is up outside of the band room. No experience is necessary to join. Practices begin in August. Please see Coach Walk with any questions.