MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
No meetings at this time.
General Announcements:
History Display: There is a 1960’s timeline of noteworthy events that happened in Mondovi on display in the IMC through this week. Please check it out.
MS Football: Meeting in Coach Loscheider’s room Wednesday, during MSR, for any current 6th or 7th graders interested in playing football next year.
HS Tennis: Any 8th grade girl that is interested in playing HS tennis in the fall should email Ms. Rodenberg ( with your name and a cell phone number. No experience needed!
HS Girls’ Golf Team: 8th grade girls, the HS Girls’ Golf Team sign-up is up outside of the band room. No experience is necessary to join. Practices begin in August. Please see Coach Walk with any questions.