
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Tuesday, May 28th: Student council meeting in Mrs. Hass’ room for next year’s 9th grade council members.

General Announcements:

MS Football: Meeting in Coach Loscheider’s room TODAY, during MSR, for any current 6th or 7th graders interested in playing football next year.

Washington DC Trip Meeting: There will be an important final meeting for parents and student travelers TODAY, at 5:00, in the IMC. See Mrs. Rzepiejewski if you cannot make the meeting.

Lost and Found: Please check out the lost and found located by the weight room. Any items not claimed will be donated at the end of the day TODAY.

PE/Sports Locker Clean-out: Locks will be collected Thursday & Friday. If you are in a Spring sport and would like to keep your lock another week, please sign up by Mr. Risler’s or Mrs. Brenner’s office doors. ALL lockers (unless you have spoken to Mr. Risler or Mrs. Brenner) will be cleaned out after school on Tuesday. ALL lockers, including sports lockers, must be completely cleaned out and locks turned in by May 30th. Anything left will be donated May 31st.

Cross Country: If interested in joining Cross Country in the fall, sign up outside the guidance office this week. There will be a meeting next week, during lunch, with pizza and pop to discuss summer training. If you have questions see Coach Hass ASAP.

Chromebook Return: 8th graders will turn in their Chromebooks, chargers and bags Tuesday, during MSR, in the Buffalo Lobby. 6th & 7th graders will turn in their items Wednesday, May 29th, during MSR, in the Buffalo Lobby. If you will not be in school either of these days, please be sure to turn in your chromebook to the office prior to your absence.

Yearbooks: If you will be absent the last day of school and you ordered a yearbook, please see Ms. Anstett sometime before Wednesday, May 29th.

Library Books: Students should be sure to turn in any textbooks and library books to the IMC as soon as possible.