General Announcements:
Thanksgiving Week Preplans: Please plan ahead! If you are going to be absent during Thanksgiving week, stop in the office with a parent note stating the dates you will be absent and receive your pre-planned absence sheet. It is highly recommended that you preplan your hunting/Thanksgiving week absences! Thank you!
FFA members: Early order cheese and beef sticks are in and MUST BE PICKED UP BEFORE THE WEEKEND! Fruit orders will be delivered the 2nd week in December.
Student Council: Meeting TODAY during lunch in Mr. Richards’ room.
Butter Braids: Orders are being delivered TODAY. Please plan to pick them up during MSR.
FFA Members: Brief FFA meeting regarding T-shirt orders TODAY in Ms. White’s room during MSR.
Lost and Found: Please check out the phy-ed lost and found items near the vending machine. All unclaimed items will be donated next week.
7th Grade Quiz Bowl: Meet Tuesday in the IMC during homeroom for first round practice. Amber, Zach Madeline, McKenzie, Anna and Halle: Turn in your consent slips.
BOB Consent Forms Needed: 7th graders: Alison, Whitney & Madeline 6th graders: Carson, Brooklyn, Bella & Arianna.
Speed School: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:40-4:20. Open weight room is Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:40-4:30.