
General Announcements:

7th and 8th Graders: TODAY’S Homeroom is a homework or silent reading day.  Please bring your materials.

8th Graders Planning To Play Football Next Year: Please plan on attending a short meeting before school tomorrow, at 730am, in the locker room.

7th Grade Quiz Bowl: Meet Tuesday in the IMC during homeroom for first round practice. Amber, Zach, McKenzie & Halle: Turn in your consent slips.

FFA Members: Fruit orders will be delivered the 2nd week in December.  

6th Graders: The annual Buffalo County 5th & 6th Grade Day will be December 6th, 8:45am-1:15pm, in Mondovi.  You will need to bring your own lunch on that date.  See Mrs. McRoberts to arrange a sack lunch from school.  

BOB Consent Forms Needed: 7th graders: Alison & Whitney 6th graders: Carson, Brooklyn, Bella & Arianna.

Speed School: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:40-4:20.  Open weight room is Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:40-4:30.