
General Announcements:

Forensics:  Lunch practice TODAY for: Lorelai, Tahirah, Lilac, Sam, Miriam, Molly, Katlynn, Abby, Bella & Merissa. 

7th/8th Grade Girls’ Basketball Meeting: TODAY during MSR in the health classroom.  Report after attendance.

Annual Dodgeball Tournament: Scheduled for Friday, December 20th.  Any teams interested should grab a sign-up sheet from outside Mr. Richards’ room, fill it out and turn it in with $20 to Mr. Richards by TODAY.

FFA Fruit Sales: Students who sold fruit need to check their email ASAP.  You will need to SIGN UP TO PICK UP YOUR FRUIT next week Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.  Please DO NOT plan to just stop in to pick up your orders. 

Holiday dress-up days are next week!. Each day will be a different theme. Pay your $1 each morning in the small gym to dress up for that day.  All proceeds will be used to help local families this holiday season. Monday is Hat and Socks day.  Let’s hop and slide into this season with some great hats and socks.

7th Grade Quiz Bowl: Meet Tuesday in the IMC during homeroom for second round practice. 

Vocabulary Showdown: Meet Wednesday in the IMC during Homeroom for practice.  Please show up promptly following attendance.  

Attention students: Remember to bring in a non-perishable food item for the food drive!  Please put your items in the bin in your homeroom.

MS Dance Team: Students in grades 6-8 who would like to join the MS dance team need to sign up in the office and pick up an information packet.  Students must be cleared before they can participate in the first practice.

Speed School: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:40-4:20.  Open weight room is Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:40-4:30.