
General Announcements:

Staff & Students!  Be ready for something cool after this break - when you come back, there will be NO BELLS between classes - MUSIC will be playing instead!  When a class is done, the music will start - when there are 30 seconds left before your next class starts, the music will shut off so you know it is getting close to start time!  The music will play through the Juno speakers in the classrooms at this point, until we can wire it to the hallways this summer! Have a great break, everyone!

7th Grade Quiz Bowl: Meet Tuesday, January 7th in the IMC during homeroom for third round practice. 

Vocabulary Showdown: Meet Wednesday, January 8th in the IMC during homeroom.

Speed School: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:40-4:20.  Open weight room is Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:40-4:30.

Reminder: All students should use caution when crossing the streets.  This is especially important when roads are icy as vehicles may not be able to stop as quickly.  If you are using the Main Street crosswalks, use the button to activate the flashing lights and WAIT until you are sure the vehicles are slowing down.