
General Announcements:

Forensics:  Lunch practice Monday for: Lorelai, Joselyn, Tahirah, Lilac & Sam.  Tuesday lunch practice for: Miriam, Molly, Katlynn, Abby, Bella & Merissa. 

7th Grade Quiz Bowl: Meet Tuesday in the IMC during homeroom for third round practice. 

Vocabulary Showdown: Meet Wednesday in the IMC during homeroom.

6th Grade Quiz Bowl: Report to the IMC, Monday, January 13th after homeroom attendance to pick up Brain Quest cards and turn in forms (Arianna, Jayla, Mason G, Abby L, Ambrielle, Ethan, Merissa, Evan B, Bella W & Will).

8th Grade Day: The annual Buffalo County 8th Grade Day is Wednesday, January 15th in Mondovi.  Please plan on bringing a cold lunch that day or see Mr. McGuire or Mr. Bielmeier to request a sack lunch.

Speed School: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:40-4:20.  Open weight room is Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:40-4:30.

Reminder: All students should use caution when crossing the streets.  This is especially important when roads are icy as vehicles may not be able to stop as quickly.  If you are using the Main Street crosswalks, use the button to activate the flashing lights and WAIT until you are sure the vehicles are slowing down.