MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Friday, September 13th: 8th grade Quiz Bowl meeting in the Health room, starting at 11:45.
General Announcements:
MS/HS Picture Day: TODAY, in the Buffalo Lobby. Pictures can be ordered online at using code FM441574. Additional forms are available in the office and forms should be given directly to the photographer. Picture retakes are October 24th.
Fall Play Auditions: If you are interested in being on stage for the Fall Play, the last day to audition is TODAY after school. Pick up an audition sheet from Mr. Klein and bring it with you to your audition.
FFA Open House: TODAY, 4:00-7:00, in the Ag Shop. Sign up for the World Dairy Expo, FFA membership, Food for America and vote for T-shirts. The theme is Hawaiian.
MS VEX Robotics: Mondovi MS will be having a VEX Robotics club once again this year! Watch this VIDEO to see what the competition is this season. If interested, stop by Mr. Lehman's room for a sign-up sheet. They should be completed and returned to Mr. Lehman by 3:30 pm Friday.
Lost and Found: Please check out the lost and found located by the weight room. Items that are not claimed will be donated on Friday.