
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

Friday, September 13th: 8th grade Quiz Bowl meeting in the Health room, starting at 11:45.

General Announcements:

MS VEX Robotics: Mondovi MS will be having a VEX Robotics club once again this year! Watch this VIDEO to see what the competition is this season. If interested, stop by Mr. Lehman's room for a sign-up sheet. They should be completed and returned to Mr. Lehman by 3:30 pm Friday.

Lost and Found: Please check out the lost and found located by the weight room. Items that are not claimed will be donated on Friday.

MS Yearbooks: If you want to order a yearbook and want to save some money, here's your chance! A yearbook is only $18.00 if you order by Friday, September 20th. Please bring the flyer from your homeroom teacher home to your parents.