
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

*Every Wednesday: FUTP60 meeting in the gym.

Wednesday, October 16th: Girls’ wrestling informational meeting in the Health room. Use this link for more info and this link to get signed up. Come on up and find out more about the team and bring a friend!

Thursday, October 17th: Boys’ wrestling informational meeting in the Health room. Use this link to get signed up. Bring any questions you may have about wrestling and we will get them answered for you.

Thursday, October 17th: FFA meeting in the Ag room.

General Announcements:

Middle School Tennis: Practice TODAY has been canceled. The next practice will be Thursday.

Wednesday is Unity Day! Wear orange to support Bullying Prevention and promote kindness and acceptance.

Flu Shot Clinic: The Buffalo County student flu shot clinic is Thursday, 1:00pm-5:00pm, in the Community Room (located right inside door #5/Jackson Street). Parents are not required to be present at the time of vaccination. This clinic is only for children aged 18 or younger. If your child refuses the vaccine that day, the vaccine will not be administered. A consent form needs to be completed by a parent/guardian in order to receive the flu shot. Please bring the consent form with you on October 17th if you did not turn it in to Sue Poeschel previously. Consent forms can be found on our school website or you can get them from the MS/HS office or Sue Poeschel.

Picture Retakes: MS/HS picture retakes are scheduled for Thursday, October 24th. Orders can be placed online at strawbridge.net if ordering pictures for the 1st time on Retake Day (use code FM441579). If retakes are being done, please bring your original picture package to be given to the photographers that day.

Halloween Dance: Student Council is hosting a Halloween Dance Thursday, October 24th. It will take place from 3:30-6:00pm in the Multi Purpose Gym. Costumes are welcome but not required. Regular school dress code should be followed. Please note: This event is for middle schoolers only.