MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
*Every Wednesday: FUTP60 meeting in the gym.
General Announcements:
Forensics: Permission slips are TODAY/ASAP. See Mrs. Miles if you need a new one. There will be an MSR meeting on Tuesday to finalize scripts.
Football Fan Bus: The school will be sending a fan bus to Friday’s game. Students still interested in riding need to sign up in the office by TODAY at 3:15. The cost is $10.00 which must be paid at the time of signing up and includes the cost of your ticket to the game. Students 6th grade or younger must be accompanied by an adult. The bus will begin loading at 3:30 in front of the school and will depart by 3:45 on Friday.
FUTP60 Parfaits: Strawberry parfaits will be sold for $2.00 Friday during Homeroom. There will also be dodgeball in the gym for 7th graders. Students must report to Homeroom before going to the lobby or the gym.
Fall Play: The Mondovi Schools Production of “The Election” is just around the corner, and you won't want to miss the laughs! Join us November 14th & 15th at 7:00pm as Presley High School seniors Mark Davenport and Christy Martin go head-to-head in a comedic battle for the title of student body president. Featuring an incredible cast from our high school, middle school & Anthony Acres, this is a must-see event that promises to entertain audiences of all ages! Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students & seniors.