
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

*Every Wednesday: FUTP60 meeting in the gym.

General Announcements:

Yearbook: Anyone interested in joining the yearbook committee this year should report to Mrs. Sorensen’s room TODAY, during lunch, to see what it’s all about.

Battle of the Books: If you are interested in reading with friends and battling to see who knows more, Mondovi is hosting the Battle of the Books this year! To learn more, come for the first check-in meeting TODAY, during MSR, in Mrs. Miles’ room. Can’t make it? Stop in Mrs. Miles’ room Friday during Homeroom. The competitions are not until April/May so there is plenty of time to devour books and prepare!

Forensics: There will be an MSR meeting in Mrs. Miles room Thursday to finalize scripts. Remember your permission slips are due ASAP!

FFA Members: Fundraising forms must be turned in to Mrs. Graetz this week; they are due by Friday. Even if you didn't sell or fill out a form, make sure to return the whole packet to the Ag Room. FFA clothing order forms are due to Mrs. Graetz by Friday as well.

Speed School: Mondays & Thursdays from November 11th-February 27th, 3:25-4:00pm, in the Multi Lobby. Speed School is an acceleration, power and top speed based training opportunity for all athletes not in a winter sport. See Coach McGuire with any questions.

Fall Play: The Mondovi Schools Production of “The Election” is just around the corner, and you won't want to miss the laughs! Join us November 14th & 15th at 7:00pm as Presley High School seniors Mark Davenport and Christy Martin go head-to-head in a comedic battle for the title of student body president. Featuring an incredible cast from our high school, middle school & Anthony Acres, this is a must-see event that promises to entertain audiences of all ages! Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students & seniors.