MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
*Every Wednesday: FUTP60 meeting in the gym.
Tuesday, November 19th: Assembly in the large gym with Buffalo County Sheriff Mike Osmond.
General Announcements:
Forensics: Scripts will be ready for pick up TODAY-Friday. Permission slips are due ASAP!
Battle of the Books: Are you interested in joining but haven’t made it to a meeting? Join our Google Classroom! (join code: 7scc2om) We’ll be touching base Thursday, during lunch, in Mrs. Miles’ room! Come hang out!
Fall Play: The Mondovi Schools Production of “The Election” is just around the corner, and you won't want to miss the laughs! Join us Thursday & Friday at 7:00pm as Presley High School seniors Mark Davenport and Christy Martin go head-to-head in a comedic battle for the title of student body president. Featuring an incredible cast from our high school, middle school & Anthony Acres, this is a must-see event that promises to entertain audiences of all ages! Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students & seniors.
Food Service Questionnaire: Please fill out the food service questionnaire that was emailed to you last week. The questionnaire will remain open through Friday.