MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Tuesday, November 19th: Assembly in the large gym with Buffalo County Sheriff Mike Osmond.
*Every Wednesday: FUTP60 meeting in the gym.
General Announcements:
Forensics: Scripts will be ready for pick up TODAY-Friday. Permission slips are due ASAP!
Battle of the Books: Are you interested in joining but haven’t made it to a meeting? Join our Google Classroom! (join code: 7scc2om) We’ll be touching base TODAY, during lunch, in Mrs. Miles’ room! Come hang out!
TONIGHT is the opening night for the theater production of The Election! Tickets will be sold at the door tonight and tomorrow night. Students and seniors are $3, adults are $5, and veterans get in for free. You do not want to miss this comedic show!
Speed School: Speed school will hopefully go outside TODAY after the warm-up, bring a long-sleeve shirt if you have one.
FUTP60 Parfaits: Strawberry parfaits will be sold for $2.00 Friday during Homeroom for 8th graders. There will also be dodgeball in the gym for the 8th graders. Students must report to Homeroom before going to the lobby or the gym.
Food Service Questionnaire: Please fill out the food service questionnaire that was emailed to you last week. The questionnaire will remain open through Friday.