
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

*Every Wednesday: FUTP60 meeting in the gym.

General Announcements:

7th Graders: Any current 7th grade students that are interested in playing football next fall, please meet in

Coach Lo's room during lunch Thursday for a short, informational meeting.

Forensics: Whole team meeting Thursday, during lunch, in Mrs. Miles’ room. Bring your chromebooks!

7th Grade Quiz Bowl: 7th grade quiz bowl permission slips are due to Ms. Johnson by Friday.

6th Graders: Any current 6th grade students that are interested in playing football next fall, please meet in Coach Lo's room during lunch Friday for a short, informational meeting.

Battle of the Books: Meeting Friday, during lunch, in Mrs. Miles’ room.

Dodgeball Tournament: Student Council is hosting a dodgeball tournament on Friday, December 20th. Prizes will be awarded to the top two teams. If you are interested in participating see Mr. Schauer for a signup sheet. Each team must have 5-10 players and a $10 dollar fee will be due when the form is turned in ($1/student). Forms are due Monday. If you have any questions please see Mr. Schauer or talk to a student council member.