
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

*Wednesday: There will be no FUTP60 next week.

General Announcements:

7th Grade Quiz Bowl: 7th grade quiz bowl permission slips are due to Ms. Johnson by TODAY.

FUTP60 Parfaits: Strawberry parfaits will be sold for $2.00 TODAY during Homeroom for the 6th graders. There will also be dodgeball in the gym for them. Students must report to Homeroom before going to the lobby or the gym.

6th Graders: Any current 6th grade students that are interested in playing football next fall, please meet in Coach Lo's room during lunch TODAY for a short, informational meeting.

Battle of the Books: Meeting TODAY, during lunch, in Mrs. Miles’ room.

Middle School Dress Up Days Next Week: Monday: Pajama Day, Tuesday: Soccer Mom vs Football Dad, Wednesday: Ugly Sweater, Thursday: Crazy Sock Day, Friday: Christmas Colors

Dodgeball Tournament: Student Council is hosting a dodgeball tournament on Friday, December 20th. Prizes will be awarded to the top two teams. If you are interested in participating see Mr. Schauer for a signup sheet. Each team must have 5-10 players and a $10 dollar fee will be due when the form is turned in ($1/student). Forms are due Monday. If you have any questions please see Mr. Schauer or talk to a student council member.