MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
*Every Wednesday: FUTP60 meeting in the large gym.
General Announcements:
MS Forensics Meetings: TODAY MSR: Kaden, Kylie, Gabby & Violet, Wednesday Homeroom: Annika B, Emilia & Clara M, Aleaha B, Madison, Josie, Raegan, Adley & Ava & Miley, Wednesday MSR: Ella & Aubrey
Battle of the Books Meetings: Meet in Mrs. Miles' room for lunch and to update book information. TODAY: Tanner O, Mia M, Allyson M & Aden M. Thursday: Ben L, Kingsley E, Hayden J, Bradley W & Matthew T.
Lost and Found: Please check the lost and found items located by the weight room. Unclaimed items will be donated Friday.