MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
*Wednesday, January 29th: No FUTP60 meeting due to no school Friday, January 31st.
General Announcements:
Concessions Cart: The Middle School Student Council is sponsoring a concession cart that will be visiting homerooms on Mondays & Thursdays starting this week. Feel free to purchase snacks from it on those days.
VEX Reminder: The competition is Wednesday, February 5th. Students are encouraged to come in extra between now and then to make sure their robots are ready! Students are allowed to come in for any Homeroom & MSR to work on their robots. Before coming, students must check in with their teachers and make sure they are caught up on school work.
Middle School Talent Show: Student Council is hosting a talent show on March 14th! Sign up to compete against Mondovi’s most talented middle schoolers. Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd places. Sign up forms are available in Mr. Schauer’s room (228) and must be turned in by Friday, March 7th. Talk to a student council representative to learn more!