
MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)

*Every Wednesday: FUTP60 meeting in the large gym.

General Announcements:

Forensics: TODAY MSR: Ava & Miley, Kayden, Jaden, Kylie, & Gabby S., Thursday Homeroom: Ava & Miley, MSR: Clara & Emilia, Friday Lunch: Kayden, Jaden, Kylie, & Gabby S.

Battle of the Books: Thursday Lunch: 6th & 7th grade boys

8th Grade Day: The annual Buffalo County 8th Grade Day will be Monday at C-FC High School. 8th graders will load buses at 8:00 am and return 12:00-12:15 pm. Topics include signs of suicide, vaping and safe social media use. People from Buffalo County Public Health, Buffalo County Sheriff’s Department and UW-Eau Claire will be presenting. There is no cost and your parents have already been emailed about the day. If you have any questions please ask Mr. McGuire.

Dance Clinic: Hey Middle Schoolers! Were you bummed that there wasn't a Dance Team this year? Well, your moment to shine is NOW! The Varsity Dance Team invites you to join the Annual Dance Clinic on March 1st; open to all 6th-8th graders. See Mrs. Rykal for a registration form or to ask any questions. Forms are due Wednesday, February 12th.

Middle School Talent Show: Student Council is hosting a talent show on March 14th! Sign up to compete against Mondovi’s most talented middle schoolers. Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd places. Sign up forms are available in Mr. Schauer’s room (228) and must be turned in by Friday, March 7th. Talk to a student council representative to learn more!