MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
*Every Wednesday: FUTP60 meeting in the large gym.
General Announcements:
MS Forensics: TODAY Homeroom: Kayden, Jaden, Kylie, & Gabby S, Lunch: Ava & Miley, Clara, Emilia, & Gabby, MSR: Team Meeting!! Thursday: Level 1 Competition in Menominee, leave to Buffalo Lobby at 2:45 pm (Don't report to MSR), Friday MSR: Team Meeting
Chess Club: TODAY during lunch in the IMC. Open to beginners and experts. Come check it out!
Dance Clinic: Hey Middle Schoolers! Were you bummed that there wasn't a Dance Team this year? Well, your moment to shine is NOW! The Varsity Dance Team invites you to join the Annual Dance Clinic on March 1st; open to all 6th-8th graders. See Mrs. Rykal for a registration form or to ask any questions. Forms are due TODAY.
Battle of the Books: Friday during lunch-Round 3 of Team challenges! Come really to compete!
6th Grade Quiz Bowl: Permission slips are due to Ms. Johnson by Friday.
Mondovi Trap Team: There will be an informational meeting Monday, at 4:30 pm, in the IMC for those interested in joining the Trap Team. Please pick up an information sheet in the office which details dates, deadlines and signing up. Questions can be directed to Rich Bauer at 608-797-8209 or
Middle School Talent Show: Student Council is hosting a talent show on March 14th! Sign up to compete against Mondovi’s most talented middle schoolers. Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd places. Sign up forms are available in Mr. Schauer’s room (228) and must be turned in by Friday, March 7th. Talk to a student council representative to learn more!