MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Wednesday, February 26th: NO FUTP60 meeting this week.
General Announcements:
MS Forensics Practice Schedule: There is an updated schedule posted outside of Mrs. Miles’ room & on Google Classroom. TODAY Lunch: Aleaha, Adley & Josie, Thursday MSR: Clara, Emilia & Gabby C.
Battle of the Books: All Teams Battle Practice #3 Thursday at LUNCH! Be there and ready!
All Students: The new trimester starts Monday. Please check your Infinite Campus accounts to familiarize yourself with your Trimester 3 schedule.
Track & Field Meeting: Tuesday, during MSR, in the IMC for anyone interested in participating in Track & Field this spring. Please bring your phone to the meeting. If you are unable to attend, please talk to Coach Hass in advance.
Middle School Talent Show: Student Council is hosting a talent show on March 14th! Sign up to compete against Mondovi’s most talented middle schoolers. Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd places. Sign up forms are available in Mr. Schauer’s room (228) and must be turned in by Friday, March 7th. Talk to a student council representative to learn more!