General Announcements:
MS Football: Anyone planning on playing middle school football this fall, please meet after school TODAY in the cafeteria for an informational meeting.
Middle School Cross Country Runners: Report to the Buffalo Lobby immediately after school TODAY to meet with Coach Hass.
Fuel Up to Play 60: Any students interested in joining this year's Fuel Up To Play 60 team should pick up an application from the MS/HS office. This program is funded by the National Football League and is based on offering our student body healthy eating options and more physical activity. If you make the team, you will be planning and implementing these programs for our students. See Mrs. Anderson for more information. Applications are due Friday, September 11th.
MS/HS Picture Day: Friday, September 18th, in the Buffalo Lobby. Pictures can be ordered online at beginning two weeks prior to picture day using code FM351033. Parents can sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. Use if interested in this option. Forms will also be made available.