General Announcements:
FUTP60 Meeting: Thursday during MSR. Report to the health classroom (room 210) after checking into MSR for attendance.
Mondovi Vex Robotics: Pick up an application from Mr. Lehman's room if interested in applying/being considered for one of the spots on the Middle School Vex Robotics team coached by Mr. Lehman. The application must be completed and returned to Mr. Lehman's room by Friday.
Middle School Student Council: This week is campaign week! Any student who is running for student council needs to make a poster and give it to Mr. Schauer. Posters will be put up in the middle school hallway and voting will be Friday.
Speed School/Open Weight Room: Speed School will be held Mondays & Thursdays from 3:40-4:20. Open weight room will be held Tuesdays & Fridays from 3:40-4:20. See Mr. Bielmeier with questions.