MS Homeroom Meetings: (Remember to have attendance taken in your homeroom before reporting to meetings)
Thursday, March 18th (HR2): 7th grade Quiz Bowl meeting in the Tag Room, 12:00-12:15.
General Announcements:
MS Golf: A golf sign-up form has been emailed to all 6th-8th graders. Please complete the form by TODAY if you would like to participate. Practice will begin March 29th.
6th & 7th Quiz Bowl Students: Join the Quiz Bowl Classroom (6-8th grades) in your Google Classrooms to access Quiz Bowl practice resources. Email Mrs. Isaacson with any questions and include your grade level.
Battle of the Book Teams: Add your “in which book…?” questions to the BOB Google Doc that Mrs. Isaacson shared with you to help track your progress and prepare for April’s get-together.
8th Grade Quiz Bowl: A quiz meet is scheduled for April 8th. Be sure to prepare using the Quiz Bowl resources provided-check Quiz Bowl Classroom for details.
MS Yearbooks: Order your yearbook by April 12th. They are $15.00. Use the order form you received during in MSR, order online at
or see Ms. Helbing.